Episode 10: More Middleware and Routes
- Laravel Debugbar by barryvdh
- Works with Laravel 4 and 5.
- Great tool for sql profiler among other things.
- Review the previous episode regarding multiple roles middleware.
- Middleware implementation is not the same as how I implemented filters from previous version of Laravel.
- Use Debugbar how the SQL looks with current implementation of RoleMiddleware().
- Possibly rewrite Role::userHasRole() to User::hasRoles() like the example from Laravel’s website.
- Explain how to apply multiple middlewares for each route but for my example, it isn’t working as expected.
- Restful routing may not be used with implementation that is chosen.
- Possibly have to recode forms from CRUD to match new routes.
- Show Route Groups https://laravel.com/docs/5.1/routing#route-groups.